Monday, October 8, 2012

The Romero Family

This past week I had the honor of photographing this precious little family! I was so excited when momma called me to do their family portraits and baby Bay's 6 month photos. She is just simply the cutest "little chunk" ever!

Take a peek....



Monday, September 17, 2012

Back to School!!!!

are back!!!

I want to first and foremost thank all of you for your continued love and support during our Pregnancy!!! It feels like an eternity since I've been able to hold photo shoots and boy have I missed it! However, I am pleased to announce that as we are in our final 13 week countdown of our baby boy's arrival, I am officially "released" to snap away :) So, thank you to each of you who have had patience and understanding as I had to take a temporary leave for the health and safety of our unborn baby. Now let's get photographing!!!!

With Fall's official arrival just mere days away, I am almost certain I am not alone in looking forward to the crisp mornings, golden tree lined streets, Starbucks fall flavors and ladies....BOOTS AND SCARVES!!! :) But most importantly is the fact that with Fall comes another school year for our babes. Yes, another year older, another year wiser and another year of tugging on momma's heart strings as our babies are closer and closer to being "big kids."

So! To kick of our Fall season the right way...I am offering $45 mini back to school sessions. Whether you are a homeschooling momma, have preschoolers who attend private schools where photos are not offered or you're a mom who simply wants her own variety and flare of back to school photos, this is for YOU! I offer several outdoor locations to choose from, our sessions are primarily done in about 30 minutes and you will receive a fully edited disc of photos! These discs are fully formatted for you to print your favorite pictures and/or upload them online!

Hurry and book your session soon, space always fill quickly with these sessions and come Late October I will be switching gears for Winter Photos shoots for your Christmas Cards!

Have a fantastic Monday!


Thursday, May 31, 2012


It is that time of know the one that is simply bitter sweet for us mommas!?  Whether it is our toddlers graduating into kindergarten (full days away from us -- heartbreaking) or our pre-teens entering high school (let the "your not so cool anymore" phase begin) or our Seniors entering into college ( the "my baby is all grown"..."Hi husband, haven't had you to myself in 18 years, lets go TRAVEL- woo hoo" phase).

Whatever category fits your life right now, it is inevitable, it is a changing moment  for both your son /daughter and you. The life long process of learning to loosen the leash just a tad bit more, only to long so desperately to go back to the days of snuggling them up in their onesies and hearing their soft coo's...Apparently that's why my husband and I have the kiddo thing down to a science, the olders keep graduating high school and we keep making more babies :) All in all, the accomplishments, the maturity and the ability to adapt even in the newest of surroundings, that children do so effortlessly (for the most party), just never ceases to amaze me!

Congratulations to all of you who are Class of 2012!!!!

In honor of this months many Graduation celebrations...Here are some photos from my Latest Graduation Photo Shoot. Are these two just stunning?! I'm here to tell you, their personalities are just as beautiful!!!!