Friday, September 23, 2011

Menifee Valley Humane Society!

As many of you know by now, not only is this sight designed for updates about our company Digital Age Designs, but I am always looking to help our customers, clients, friends etc., in their get the word out.

So today, I write to each of you, to tell you of a story very near and dear to my heart :

Last Sunday afternoon, after a weekend filled with cleaning house, washing cars, taking the pups to the dog park...basically a routine, yet relaxed weekend, my hubby and I found ourselves searching online for local animal rescues. After visiting our local dog park, the day before with our Bucky and Daisy (English bulldog and Rottweiler) we were pretty convinced that our weekly conversation of "do we want a third dog?" "would it be a good dynamic for the two we have?" etc. We quickly saw that Daisy girl needed a much larger playmate and given our 6 acres, we would be crazy not to give her one. Most importantly we were sure (as we were finally at the age where we could take both dogs to the dog park, both behaved well etc.) that we did not want to start all over again with a new puppy, puppy shots, staying in doors for months...oh! and the WRECKLESSNESS that becomes our yard and home during "puppy phase."

So here we sat, at home on Sunday, just wanting to explore and know our "options" and what was out there...I ran across a website for our local Menifee Valley Human Society. What drew me in was this face:

(This was taken on our drive home with her. It's almost as if she knew, she was coming home.:)
There was a kindness about this sweet girl that immediately had both my husband and I wanting to know more about her. As her story unfolded and we learned that she had been rescued less than a month prior from a local vet in Riverside after being dropped off for a spay and short boarding almost 6 months prior and her owner never returned. Upon not returning, albeit the vet or the sheer devastation that she was not going home, this sweet girl began to whither away to nothing.

When a close girlfriend of the lovely Nina (she is the fantastic owner / operator of MVHS) alerted Nina as to what was happening with this love, Nina quickly came to her rescue. After just three weeks with a foster family (who had 5 children of their own, the youngest a mere 17 months, and several dogs of their own) "Hallo" as she was formerly called, gained 20+ pounds and turned out to be the most gentle, loving affectionate dog!

We came to visit her, met her foster family and Nina, last weekend. As I approached this lovable pup, sat beside her, she wandered over to me, laid down beside me in the grass, placing her head into my lap with her paw upon my leg. I immediately gave her the love and kiss that assured her "she had a home now." As my 3 year old approached this pooch and sat beside her, "hallo" sat next to her, eating up every minute of the affection my daughter had for her. It was a no-brainer! She would be coming home with us and was now part of our family.

This sweet beautiful German Shep. (who is known for her fear of entering vehicles) leaped into our car, head placed upon our daughters lap, in her car seat, and entered our lives, our home and our hearts for good! She and Daisy and Buckus are three pea's in a pod and we are completely overjoyed.

I share this very personal story with each of you as not only an encouragement that there are SO many animals that need loving and caring homes...but often times there is a huge misconception that rescue dogs/animals will be timid, scary or angry. It just isn't so if you are dealing with an honest, loving and nurturing Rescue.

Menifee Valley Humane Society is run by an absolute doll, Nina Medina, she is honest, and has a heart of gold for these animals! Her own home is filled to capacity with her beautiful family and as many animals as it will hold "legally" and her heart is drawn to those who are desperately in need of rescuing. She has a fantastic team of nurturing foster "parents" for these animals, until they find a loving home. Your biggest hang-up will be that She needs to check YOU out, to make sure you're the right fit :)

Here is a link to her website They are a fantastic team to work with, prompt at getting right back to you and the most genuine animal lovers, you will meet.

Thank you for taking the time to hear our story and I hope it leaves you with the willingness of open hearts and homes.

Here are just a few photos of the very first few hours at home with our little "Lady"(we changed her name :)) :

Happy Friday!