Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February's Inspiration: Love WINNERS!!!

Congratulations to Our Monthly Inspiration Contest Winner for February's Love Photo and Story...

(There were so many incredible entries that I am very thankful to my team that I do not have to do this judging alone.)

There is a First Place winner who has won: A FREE Photo session and 10 x 20 Print.
Our Second Place winner has won: A FREE 56 Wallet Special when booking your next photo session!
Our Third Place winner has won: 2 Free 8x10's when booking your next photo session!

**For our second and third place winners and ALL OTHER Entries you are still eligible each month hereafter to enter to win the First Place prize of a Free Photo session and 10 x 20 Print.

So Drum roll please......

CONGRATULATIONS to Charity Morales and her beautiful family for being our 1st place winner! Your story, your courage, your incredible ability to never stop living life to its fullest and to not let anything "take you down" and the amount of love you bring to your family, and them to you, is truly inspiring! It's an honor for us to award you with this session!

To our Second Place winner Shauna McCarthy, her hubby and two cute as a button kiddos...Your picture and words put a tear on every one of our faces, instantly! Precious and priceless!!!

To our Third Place winner Jessica Buffington, her hubby and adorable son... You are what inspires me most that no matter what life hands you, no matter what can seem like a time to just regress, you find the light, you power through and as lucky as you are to have your sweet baby boy, He is blessed beyond measure to have you for a Momma!

Thank you so much to everyone who entered we LOVED hearing from each of you and this was such a tough decision! Please keep those entries coming in the months ahead for your chance to Win! Tomorrow I will announce here and via Facebook our March Inspiration.

xoxo. Happy Leap Year!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Bird Show...

One of my Daughters favorite and noteworthy portions of our Day at the Safari Park was in deed the Bird Show! My favorite quote of the day, comes from the show..."We have trained our Birds so incredibly well, that if you feel that you should DUCK (as they fly over head) DO SO!" :)

Safari Time!

Okay, so even if it was a 20 minute safari, only 40 minutes from home...How incredible is it that we are lucky enough to live in a state where this is even possible! Here are more pictures from this weekend's adventure. Enjoy...

Monday, February 27, 2012

San Diego Zoo Safari Park

The Gorillas...To watch these incredible creatures interact with one another, nurture their young and just simply be playful for the spectators viewing pleasure it amazes me how complex, how indepth, how intimate and gentle the personalities of this beautiful species are...I could simply watch them for hours (and intend to someday soon. :))

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

March Of Dimes...please read!

As you will all remember from Late last year, I had the extreme pleasure of photographing one incredibly extraordinary and inspiring little Luc.

I touched only lightly, at the time, on his and that of his parents, journey. I did so at the time, to not take away from the beautiful images of life and health and pure bliss of this sweet little boy.

There are far more details to this little one's ability to fight, to conquer the odds and not only survive but to thrive through pregnancy and the first 40 days of his life! He is truly a reminder of God's gifts and Miracles!

Please take a few minutes to read the story (in the link below) of baby Luc and help in any way that you can to give back to the incredible charity that saved him, that continues to save babies every minute and gives hope and a future to parents and infants facing the same trials and fears today.

Here is a most recent picture (from momma and daddy) of  beautiful, bouncing baby boy Luc....xoxo

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

New Year, New Inspirations....

My husband and I with our Daughter Gabriella, shortly after she was born.

As with any New Year we all tend to journey into a path of the "unknown." New goals, new outlooks, new set of standards and most importantly an overall evaluation of the year that's passed and embarking upon a "fresh" start.

This year my Greatest quest is to continue to grow my Photography business. However, my growth and expansion comes from a far deeper place in my heart than that of a desire to own and operate a business of my own....quite frankly that just isn't me and quite honestly the reward of being a mother, a stepmother, a wife, a sister, a daughter and best friend and doing it to the best of my ability is of far greater compensation to me than a dollar amount for a business that would take me away and deplete me of my ability and time to devote to these, which matter most to me.

I say this so that each of you understands not only that my Photography business comes from a place deep inside my heart, that grows a little wider, deepens a little more and flourishes with each new family I have the honor of photographing, the pleasure of sharing in the precious moments with and the ability to create an image that tells the story, that will last a lifetime for each family and preserve their memories. THAT is my purpose in this!

So with a New Year, Goals to attain and Desires I want to have met....I've been searching for a way to keep it all grounded, a way in which not only do I keep my heart and business focused on my passion and away from ever reaching a direction I don't intend...I've decided to find a way that I am giving back to You monthly!

My message (as you will see on any one of my business cards, brochures, marketing materials etc.) is...

"A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words; The Story It Can Tell Will Leave You Speechless..." This message has so many meanings to me and it's why I do what I do. So in keeping life, business and all that it entails grounded and about my passion, It is my strong desire to give each of you the opportunity to remember what's of most meaning and inspiration to you.

So let's have a Monthly contest that gives each of you this opportunity!

Here are the details.

1. It is open to ANYONE, you, your friends, neighbors, family, etc. EVERYONE!
2. Each month I will introduce a Theme of Inspiration Here on the blog and on our social media sites. For example the theme of the month will be: Laughter or Motherhood, Marriage etc.
3. With this theme, each of you who wish to enter the contest will email me a Picture of what the month's inspiration means to you! Included with your picture will be your reason for why this Picture is of so much meaning and inspiration to you. This picture does not need to be anything spectacular (from a photographic sense) what so ever, in fact the one image you settle on will most often be that of a candid photo. That's perfect!
4. At the end of the month, my team (my graphics's artist specialist, designer, publisher and me will vote on our most inspirational letter and photography of the month!)
5. Each month's contest winner will receive a FREE photo shoot with me, that will resemble the month's inspiration and your letter and a FREE 10 x 20 print of your favorite proof from our photo shoot!
6. Each month's Theme of Inspiration will be announced on the 1st and all entries must be submitted by the last day of the month, no later than 9am. The winner will be announced by 6pm on the last day of the month.

I am so beyond excited to do this! I love nothing more than being inspired, but most importantly giving you the opportunity to capture and memorialize what inspires You!

*For the contest please send all entries to:
*Title your entries as: Monthly Inspiration: (List the theme)
*Include your contact information (Full Name, Address, Telephone Number and any additional information you see fit)

Last, but Certainly not least this months Inspirational Theme is:

Here are a few key questions to get you thinking as you search for your image of inspiration...
What is an image that most represents Love to you? Why does this image sum up love for you? Where does this image take you in your heart, your mind, your emotions? Why is this the most inspirational image of Love in your life right now?

Happy February 1st! I look so forward to reading and hearing from each of you!!!!


Carrie Michaels
Digital Age Photography