Friday, December 30, 2011

Happy December!!!

I have truly enjoyed these past two weeks, at home, nesting with my kiddos, taking a little time off to just enjoy the Holidays (aka run around like crazy finishing shopping, baking, cooking, fun activities for kids, family visiting etc.) and there is, to me, no greater time in a year than this.

What I love most about this final week between Christmas and New Years, is the time of reflection. Looking back on this past year of photos, memories, the calendar etc. Seeing how much our children have changed, accomplished, much love and laughter has filled our home. How many obstacles we have won and overcome (particularly with health this year...THANK YOU LORD!).

I am so excited as to the New Horizon's ahead, for a New Year! For another year of Growth, Life, Love, Happiness and everything in between. Our every day, shapes us, molds us, makes us better, breathes life into us!

This year I am thankful for the New Opportunities that I have accomplished, the many more to come, health and happiness in my marriage, for our children, our home, our family members and even our 5 crazy four legged babies. LOL! Cheers to 2011's final days and WELCOME 2012! xoxo

..... Did you really think I would write a post and NOT include some of my latest photography? You know me better :) And yes, Although I planned to take December off, I sneaked a few sessions in! Here are two AMAZING FAMILIES!!! Enjoy! xo

Sister Trio...These three GORGEOUS sisters were so much fun to photograph! They had it down. I don't think I've laughed this hard and had so much "girly" fun on a shoot yet! xo

and nearest and dearest to my heart is My Sister....xoxo

From Our Family to Yours...Happy 2012! xoxo

Carrie Michaels

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